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German cities after the Second World War

Some historical pictures in black and white.
I didn’t change the pictures’ size, so it’s quite big.

Comments (6):
#1 | 13 May 2009 07:58 by ;pp][p]

Well, perfect shape according to polish cities after WWII...

#2 | 22 Jan 2010 11:30 by o'raily

Germans get what they deserve, and its still not enough. shoot them all

#3 | 13 Jun 2011 01:11 by Leosch

Seriously guys? It's been 65 years. Almost all of the Nazis of that time are long gone. You can't punish the children of evil doers.

I think these pictures are great. Somewhat artistic. If anyone want's to start a war, show him these.

#4 | 14 Oct 2012 19:33 by judekyle (11440 )

Important shots.

#5 | 22 Nov 2012 19:54 by Hawkmech (5129 )

Interesting pictures for sure.

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