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15 signs that the party is over

1. You pass out in the snow, wearing nothing but shorts.

2. You pass out in a cardboard box. Period.

3. You've drunk texted to the point of injury.

4. You pass out in a plant next to an American flag while wearing what appears to be dragon underwear.

5. You can't figure out why your phone isn't working.

6. You have to be carried home. Over your friend's shoulder. While wearing short shorts.

7. You think a flamingo thong worn over pants looks hot.

8. The club is actually closed, with you still inside.

9. You get pulled over, dressed like this.

10. You need help out of a corner filled with trash.

11. You pass out on a Hollywood star.

12. You vomit. Again. Into the sink, because the toilet is full.

13. You confuse your wallet for street meat.

14. Red Bull does nothing for you anymore.

15. You just gave your number to this dude.

Comments (5):
#1 | 23 Sep 2011 01:28 by croth (3350 )

37 37 37

#2 | 26 Jan 2012 05:54 by Dreadnot (2778 )


#3 | 29 Mar 2015 09:36 by old baldy (13558 )


#4 | 15 Apr 2015 19:40 by Go Hard or Go Home (6642 )


Studies show that 5 out of 4 people have problems with fractions
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