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OMG. The problem of whale extermination

  • Extreme
  • 12 Jan 2010
  • 16040
  • 19
  • (12)
Comments (19):
#1 | 12 Jan 2010 09:40 by ui


#2 | 12 Jan 2010 14:15 by u2


#3 | 12 Jan 2010 15:12 by .

i hate asians and all east .. more and more when is see shit like that

#4 | 12 Jan 2010 20:01 by No avatar

Nice to see them using almost every part of the whale (nothing is wasted)! Gotta admire the thoroughness and efficiency of the japanese, compared to the excessively wasteful ways here in the west. wink

#5 | 12 Jan 2010 20:13 by Zircon

Damn you whale hunters

#6 | 12 Jan 2010 22:43 by Iron Horse (3284 )

To those of you complaining, which are you, vegetarian or just stupid??? The ones that you should be showing the anger toward are the ones that took these pictures and the ones that posted them.

You wouldn't like the pictures of the cows being slaughtered and butchered. Do you fish? That's the same thing, just on a smaller scale. So, do you eat fish? Do you eat meat of any kind? They are all processed in a similar way. The truth is, you just don't want to see it.

Maybe, you'd like to keep the whales as pets. LOL

#7 | 12 Jan 2010 23:55 by john doe

well, americans kill 1 million chicken in 1 week. And those chicken live in complete darknes in boxes with super food to make them fat in a very short time. So is a life of a chicken worth less than a life of a whale? And don't me start on beef or fish... We would think that after all these years of evolution, we would all be vegetarians...

#8 | 13 Jan 2010 02:44 by john doe is a homo


#9 | 13 Jan 2010 12:17 by robin yates

the reason the Japanese give for this nasty work is RESEARCH !!!

#10 | 15 Jan 2010 22:16 by john doe is right


#11 | 16 Jan 2010 19:32 by Hatan (186 )


#12 | 1 Feb 2010 13:40 by katticus (85 )

I don't see what the big deal is. How do you think we get food? They aren't being wasteful either, for the most part. Unlike over here in the West, where we use cow and fish for their meat, and throw everything else out... WASTE. Also, their diet is very different from us. Just because we are pussy people and have domestic pets doesn't mean that they can't eat dogs and cats. They live in a different place, different customs. Quitchya bitchin'

#13 | 12 Feb 2010 04:14 by Wibble (26 )

Robin, this IS research, they are researching into the health and robustness of whale stocks with the aim of eventually resuming commercial whaling (a long overdue conclusion to an illogically absolute and drawn-out ban). Much of the research that has been done is showing that many species of whales are not only NOT endangered but also quite healthy in number!

It's funny how people will often use this type of thing here to justify their racism towards Japan. You people don't turn your eyes inward at your own selves and how your own country slaughters massive amounts of animals for food. This notion that whales are somehow "off limits" is silly isn't it? I mean, how would you feel if you had Hindus coming in and yelling at and fucking with American cattle farmers for slaughtering "sacred cows"?

If it's taboo to you, then don't eat it... but don't expect everyone else to bow down to your own cultural biases!

#14 | 13 Feb 2010 20:22 by tanba

whale eating has been a long-standing custom in japan just as cattle eating has been in the weat.
there's no difference between the two.

#15 | 11 Jul 2011 01:18 by Aracien

The japs are a vile and disgusting race! All the do is kill and call it "research". They need to be slaughtered like the animals they are. NUKE THE JAPS! KILL THEM ALL!!!


#16 | 21 Jul 2011 14:53 by Shrient (19 )

for people that dont support the east (asia) for what they do, feel free to stop purchasing asian made items, lets see how u fair walking around naked with no technology (fyi, the ink in american made jeans come from asia, and smartphones use rare earth metals from china) *clap clap*
(btw seashepard's tech ware comes from japan and taiwan), so ur essentially supporting them...

#17 | 8 Dec 2011 12:57 by Wiggles (1619 )

if they are not endangered then why not?

they are just sea-cows really, they ain't magic or particularly intelligent

#18 | 4 Sep 2012 00:49 by croth (3350 )

angry angry angry

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