47-year-old participant of the "Real Housewives of New Jersey" has been dragged into another scandal: her sex tape got online. Judging from these pics, Danielle is a very naughty lady.
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mick, if you are ever left wondering whether someone has had a boob job or not, rest assured that she hasn't. The lumps and one nipple up and another down is just the standard bonus that goes with it. Crazy thing is: they don't seem to learn from other peoples poor choices.
The boob job isn't for you and it isn't to look good naked, either. It's to look hot in the $500 dress that was designed specifically for that body to attract the moderately wealthy guy that finds hard body stripper skank attractive.
Damn, I figured she would look better.. no way does she beat Kendra... not with those rough looking implants...
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If I were her, I'd ask for a refund for the boob job...
I'm really getting sick of bad looking implants.. is it just me or are they looking really bad?? all lumpy with a botched up nipple??
mick, if you are ever left wondering whether someone has had a boob job or not, rest assured that she hasn't. The lumps and one nipple up and another down is just the standard bonus that goes with it. Crazy thing is: they don't seem to learn from other peoples poor choices.
rough-looking celebrity skank ... 'nuff said.
The boob job isn't for you and it isn't to look good naked, either. It's to look hot in the $500 dress that was designed specifically for that body to attract the moderately wealthy guy that finds hard body stripper skank attractive.
47, huh? Looks every day of it.
Where can I download or stream this?
quit it bro implants are ok
Fake tits but something tells me this girl is nasty in bed. No pussy is bad