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Skinny ex girlfriend naked in bedroom

  • Amateur
  • 11 May 2011
  • 39768
  • 16
  • (57)

We have another one whose smile is nonexistent while looking so damn yummy. And most of these look like self shots, too! I mean, I can understand a girl not being all bubbly and cheerful when her boyfriend talks her into posing nude, but when she’s naked completely voluntary I’m surprised. Trust me, ladies. You look so much prettier when you smile. In the end, though, it really doesn’t matter if they look this good in the nude. She’s a bit on the skinny side, but I think most of you will agree that she’s sporting some quality goods.

Comments (16):
#1 | 11 May 2011 03:34 by Orgasmo (312 )

Yummy pussy... 36

#2 | 11 May 2011 05:01 by Kees2011 (21 )

Yeah great pussy

#3 | 11 May 2011 05:20 by Funeral Guy (2384 )

This looks like a kidnapping video. Or an ad for sunscreen (pic #6) Ever notice how all these crap room photo shoots almost always involve a bottle of Vodka? (Classy window blinds, by the way, what with the Christmas lights strung on them and all.)

You are right. Nice snatch, but can you imagine if this chick let that crotch go to full bush? You'd need a machete to get your dick in it.

#4 | 11 May 2011 05:55 by PokerSmoker420 (124 )

"This looks like a kidnapping video." win.

Why so serious? You wanna know how I got these burns?

Maybe she knew her ex-boyfriend would eventually exploit her trust and release her naked body all over the interwebs. Her lack of enthusiasm reeks of Oxycontin and booze. 5.5/10 +5.5 for PERFECT vag tongue

#5 | 11 May 2011 09:11 by crimineel (5605 )

wouldnt fall in love with her
but wouldnt reject her for sex either...

it isnt bad but it isnt good either
just an average girl

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#6 | 11 May 2011 13:15 by karanch (76 )

tongue tongue tongue tongue tongue

hump hump hump hump

#7 | 11 May 2011 22:22 by Hawkmech (5129 )

I'd have to agree with Admin on this one. She'd look a whole lot better with a damn smile, but nonetheless, the goods she's showing off are pretty damn nice. Normally not too big on tiny titties, but her's seem to have decent size nipples for suckin on, and her snatch is just he prettiest little shade of pink. I'd certainly park my beef bus in it.

#8 | 12 May 2011 01:33 by TrickykidXXX (365 )

Is that a fetus in front of her TV

#9 | 12 May 2011 15:28 by ptpie (2696 )


#10 | 12 May 2011 19:49 by JERRYzw (1519 )


#11 | 13 May 2011 01:04 by ZEE (2168 )


#12 | 13 May 2011 17:22 by greendog_24 (556 )

She definitely needs a wax job! When she moves out of mom and dads house, she can give me a call. Nice pussy though!

#13 | 14 May 2011 21:51 by erapio (10000 )

You have very hot pussy

#14 | 21 May 2011 01:15 by ryo_prasetya (879 )

hump hump hump hump hump hump hump hump hump

#15 | 2 Mar 2012 16:50 by Enew (7182 )


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