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Natasha showing tits

  • Busty
  • 27 May 2011
  • 44814
  • 35
  • (67)

If you like big natural tits you must see Natasha

Comments (35):
#1 | 27 May 2011 23:36 by track44

Nagyon csinos a hölgy.

#2 | 28 May 2011 00:02 by Funeral Guy (2384 )

Some things are meant for private viewing only. I'm so embarrassed for this mom it almost doesn't seem right to bring up certain points.

Like when you are pushing 40 a stripper pole in the middle of your den is a little gauche. Or when you have blubby, stretch mark baby stomach it's best not to hang jewelry from your navel to attract attention to an unflattering feature of your aging body. Or that the unrecognizable blob of ink on your hip is not going to improve as you move into grandmahood. Or that you are about 15 years past the point where schoolgirl outfits, flashing your boobs in public and wearing T-shirts that draw attention to your tits is seemly or sexy. Or that photographing your glittery, ringing in The New Year fuck was a good idea since so much drunken debauchery is being posted on the interwebs these days.

Your breakup must have really been nasty for your ex-boyfriend to do this to you and your kids.

I know I didn't really need or want to see it.

#3 | 28 May 2011 00:07 by judekyle (11440 )

Gotta say, for a middle aged broad she's totally doable, and I appreciate seeing a woman with baby stretch marks being willing to flaunt it. Shit, my wife's a Mom and I wanna do her all the time, stretch marks and all.

#4 | 28 May 2011 00:57 by crimineel (5605 )

busty, thats it

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#5 | 28 May 2011 02:18 by The Librarian (4941 )

I have to agree with the funeral Guy, keep the pictures at home, she looks like she still likes to have fun but we don't need to see it!

#6 | 28 May 2011 02:24 by Hawkmech (5129 )

Maybe not the hottest overall woman to grace this site, but judging by the pics here, I'm willing to bet she'd be a ton of fun as a girlfriend or wife.

#7 | 28 May 2011 02:42 by Slovakia_1 (1532 )

She looks like a swinger to me. But yeah, if you're pushing 40, out with the teenager outfits.

#8 | 28 May 2011 02:48 by Funeral Guy (2384 )

@ judekyle & Hawkmech

You are right about her doability. She's got the nice tits, no question. (I think we on this site should be able to copyright the word "doabiltiy".)

I was talking about the posting of the pictures. My wife also has some flaws as she gets older and she's still majorly sexy to me. (And to a lot of other men. Yeah, I'm bragging a bit.) My point is the pictures ending up on sites like this. It's one thing with the young broads. They're young and stupid. Like you're supposed to be. I sure was.

If her boyfriend (I don't see a ring) posted these photos, she was done wrong IMO. If she was OK with putting them into the public domain, then she has horrible judgment since she obviously has kids.

That said, if she wants us to look. I'll look. And make honest assessments. (I should have mentioned in my first post that I would most assuredly fuck her, given the chance.)


Did you read that they are trying to sell a reality show about swingers? I wrote about it here.


#9 | 28 May 2011 03:00 by Setting Features (301 )

Not worthy of this site. Period.

#10 | 28 May 2011 05:38 by 鄉村 (1471 )

35 41

#11 | 28 May 2011 05:39 by anonymous

I'm gonna go out on a limb here and guess these pictures
were taken during happier times....before Ms BigTitties saw
the movie porn "Eat, Pray,Love. She saw the movie, decided
that she wasn't happy with life anymore and divorced her hubby.

After taking him to the cleaners and bankrupting him via divorce
court he's getting even by posting all those nudie pics he took over
the years on the interwebs.

#12 | 28 May 2011 07:35 by erapio (10000 )

Priekrasnaja dievotska... heart heart heart

#13 | 28 May 2011 10:17 by JERRYzw (1519 )

elvis elvis elvis

#14 | 28 May 2011 10:33 by crimineel (5605 )

she's got some pretty large tits,
and ugly face
ande i body that i would love to bang

I love erooups :D
my tumblr: www.hawtchixx.tumblr.com
my facebook page: www.facebook.com./hawtchixx2
#15 | 28 May 2011 11:33 by Yakoshiba


#16 | 29 May 2011 05:18 by AmyCeleste (36 )

Yesterday, 00:02 by Funeral Guy
I know I didn't really need or want to see it.

But you looked carefully anyway, didn't you? How else could you have been able to point out all the things she's doing wrong.

#17 | 29 May 2011 07:36 by Funeral Guy (2384 )

@ AmyCeleste

I study all these pictures very closely. Unfortunately, somebody has to do it. acute

Plus, I'm sure you noticed in my second post that I would do her. I'm a guy. The bar doesn't have to be set very high most of the time.

#18 | 29 May 2011 10:49 by triplec787

is that what it loks like when uncle same jizzes

#19 | 29 May 2011 15:03 by TrickykidXXX (365 )

I'd be happy if she was my wife. Looks like she has little hang ups and is GGG

#20 | 29 May 2011 16:36 by greendog_24 (556 )

I wouldn't even see those stretch marks when I was doing her Doggiestyle!

#21 | 30 May 2011 10:05 by Orgasmo (312 )

I would like to cook my dicks in her tits !! fuck

#22 | 30 May 2011 11:18 by hotbodybattles.com (71 )

nope.. no thanks

#23 | 27 Jun 2011 02:06 by SidTheSexist

What a fucking hound

#24 | 22 Jul 2011 18:50 by Enew (7182 )

I can see what FG is saying

#25 | 30 Sep 2011 19:38 by Dreadnot (2778 )

pure adulterated nastiness. not even if i were 3 sheets to the wind.

#26 | 1 Mar 2013 14:35 by The Judge (5245 )

Got your point FG

#27 | 8 Jul 2013 09:13 by old baldy (13558 )


#28 | 25 Jul 2013 21:04 by The Judge (5245 )

At the end I could manage her to have a good time.

#29 | 4 Oct 2013 09:40 by DisMan (4695 )

I think she's hot, stretch marks and all. 41 41 41

#30 | 5 Jan 2014 03:22 by old baldy (13558 )

yeah i would

#31 | 14 Jun 2015 18:24 by judekyle (11440 )

I agree with you, FG. These shots were fun for private (and show us what a cool, doable Mom she is), but they should have stayed private. Someone is a prick for leaking these out (unless she was in on the leak, in which case ... I like her even more).

#32 | 14 Jun 2015 18:25 by judekyle (11440 )

I agree with you, FG. These shots were fun for private (and show us what a cool, doable Mom she is), but they should have stayed private. Someone is a prick for leaking these out (unless she was in on the leak, in which case ... I like her even more).

#33 | 23 Dec 2015 23:45 by DisMan (4695 )

elvis elvis elvis elvis elvis

#34 | 24 Sep 2016 05:29 by dwork1982 (1 )

I routinely search the web hoping she has posted more photos. I joined this site because of her.

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