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#259 | 28 Jan 2011 19:54 by Matt1075 on Cute Julia on the stairs

She's a wee bit on the scrawny side and doesn't know how to smile, but I still kinda like her.

#258 | 28 Jan 2011 19:23 by Matt1075 on Tess Taylor in blue lingerie

Well, she IS hot, but with the facial hardware and tats, she won't be MY problem. But then this is all just about looking anyway for most of us.

OK. Time to change into fresh underwear. And a nap would be nice.

#256 | 26 Jan 2011 11:35 by Matt1075 on Pretty nudists on the beach

Number 7- you're with me. Right this way please.

#255 | 26 Jan 2011 11:22 by Matt1075 on Fantastic babe - Lela Star

Funeral Guy- trying to ignore those implants would be like trying to ignore the elephant in the room. But she does look pretty good. Love the brown hair and eyes. And the boob job looks well done. Ah well. It's a moot point, isn't it?

#254 | 25 Jan 2011 22:25 by Matt1075 on Sexy Sandra with pearl

Really nice! I love the hard nipples. A better shot showing her backside would have been good.

#253 | 25 Jan 2011 22:20 by Matt1075 on Amateur with sweet pussy

Funeral Guy, I take it you are a frustrated writer. Have you ever written a book? You have a great imagination.

#252 | 25 Jan 2011 22:14 by Matt1075 on Hot and sensual Ellie Ford

I'm with funguy on this one. Her face just doesn't hit me right. Everything else is good.

Nice body, but the facial expressions really suck. Sheila, if that's the best you can do, find something else to do for a living.

#250 | 22 Jan 2011 00:06 by Matt1075 on Blonde does a party

These look like two sets of sisters to me. But the duckface poses, yeah well, like, it's uncool ladies.

Hey guys, relax! It does not harm you (and should not threaten you) to have visitors who post in a language other than English. Everyone is welcome to enjoy the babes and post in their own language.
That said, I like this girl's face and body. But, like FG, I don't understand the stubble. If one is going to shave, then do so before posing for the camera. And she is not the only model guilty of this. It seems to happen a lot.

#248 | 20 Jan 2011 21:42 by Matt1075 on Erotic session at the gate - Nina

I really enjoy this model. She's not perfect, as some have noted, but she is hot. As for her toes, they are normal. Here's a good shot of her feet-
She works for X-Art.com. And let's put her lack of perfection in perspective- If you compared ALL women in the 18 to 25 age bracket with no facial, genital, or nipple hardware and minimal tatooing, I'll bet she would come out in the top 2 or 3 per cent.

Hmmm. I tend to assume the major players in this business know enough stay away from under age girls. But I'm havin' a real hard time believing this girl is more than 14 or 15. Under age or not, she still LOOKS too young to interest me.

#246 | 13 Jan 2011 03:18 by Matt1075 on Raven Riley finger fuck

@GOODSTUFF, "off topic". I'm with you to a large extent on this one. It seems in EXTREMELY poor taste to protest at funerals, as they are doing. And that any church would promote violence is outrageous. Kudos to Arizona legislators for pulling together so quickly to counter their moves. I hope they add more teeth to their law- 300 feet is not enough distance- they should not be visible from the funeral. But, Goodstuff, hating them and considering violence against them just takes you to their level. To break the cycle of violence in this world, we need to develop compassionate responses.

#245 | 13 Jan 2011 02:32 by Matt1075 on Saki Koto sexy hips

Wow! I don't see ANYTHING about this girl I would consider a flaw- no piercings, tats, blemishes, scars, and no excess fat. I give her a 10. Love everything about her. When she tilts her head back like that and closes her eyes, I can easily imagine my finger slowly making it's way up into her pussy, seeking out her G-spot, arousing her passion.

@mrzuniga78- At first I thought you were talking about Erica Campbell, but according to to Wikipedia, it's true. Moran quit and now opposes the porn industry. With those nasty fake boobs, it's just as well. They say she is trying to get porn sites to stop showing her photos, apparently unsuccessfully.

#243 | 11 Jan 2011 19:56 by Matt1075 on Nice tits and nice amateurs

#13, yes, that's where your clit is. Would you like me to show you how it works?

Yes, I'll have a piece of that, thank you very much!

#241 | 10 Jan 2011 19:43 by Matt1075 on Exclusive Zafrina with big boobs

Her name is Zafira, not Zafrina. More info here-

#240 | 5 Jan 2011 23:33 by Matt1075 on Big amateur boobs

I wouldn't mind having a second look at 16, 17, 18, or 31. And #3, isn't that Erica Campbell?

I like this one a lot. I prefer women a bit thicker and more substantial rather than scrawny, and she strikes a good balance. The subtle makeup and natural face and boobs show her off well.

BTW, she is a 20 year old hardcore pro pornstar. She makes it her BUSINESS to look nice.

#238 | 5 Jan 2011 22:17 by Matt1075 on Janessa Brazil shows her pussy

She looks good in this set, but I THINK the boobs are plastic. Here's a link- see what you think. I know some of you will enjoy them anyway.

#237 | 31 Dec 2010 19:58 by Matt1075 on Naked amateur pics

It prevents the government from reading your thoughts. laugh1

#236 | 30 Dec 2010 08:01 by Matt1075 on Hot blond model on farm - Jessica

Well, I Googled Dry Gulch Ranch (the sign on the truck) and found out it is a western themed movie set north of LA. http://www.drygulchranch.com/index.html. Makes a nice background though.

Yeah, I liked Aria when she was younger. But it's about time she started looking around for another way to make a living. According to Wikipedia, she is 33 and divorced.

#234 | 30 Dec 2010 05:25 by Matt1075 on Sexy young beauty - Chrissy Marie

Hey, I would definitely take this one home. If she has a good personality, she'd be a keeper.

#233 | 30 Dec 2010 04:57 by Matt1075 on Busty farm babe - Sydney Moon

I like Sydney. I remember the first set of her I ever saw. She was posing in a blue bikini. One of the hottest sets I have seen.

Here's that set- http://www.asredas.com/gallery/217/Twistys/Twistys_Damn_Hot_Blonde_Sydney_Moon/
And,Funeral Guy, here's a more explicit set- http://girls.twistys.com/galleries/toty/1/photo/48/?nats=MTY0ODg6NTox

I think she is really cute and has a very nice smile. I don't mind the small tits, but the facial and ear piercings would eliminate any real interest.

I think she is a nice-looking model. I enjoy seeing them dressed first to see what they wear and how they look in clothes. Her eye makeup is well done, but I don't much like the way she has used the lipstick to change the contour of her lips. A few more naked shots would have been nice to fill out the set.
Ummm, mrzuniga78, I would not have thought you meant that. But now that you mention it....

#230 | 30 Dec 2010 04:22 by Matt1075 on Hot brunette in room pics

The quality of the photography here is so poor - I don't see that these were worth publishing.

The wide hips, narrow waist, and big boobs do work their magic. And I'm rather partial to the dark brown hair too. She has quite a thing goin' there.

#228 | 14 Dec 2010 05:48 by Matt1075 on Gorgeous blonde with pretty smile

What a doll! Great face and smile, very nice makeup. Yeah, she could stand to lose the pussy jewelry, and maybe about a foot and a half of hair. But still very hot.

Well, annie, I like this one a LOT more than you do. I see a lot of pluses here- she's mostly natural; I see just one piercing (on her nose) and no tattoos. Her weight balance is what I would consider perfect, not too fat, not too skinny. She has left her eyebrows natural (unusual these days). Her pussy is shaved and not too meaty; her overall form moderately curvey; her hair simple but pleasant. And she SMILES. I'd take this one home.

@annie After reading one of your previous comments about Erica's religious conversion, I looked her up on Facebook. She still considers herself a model and promotes past works that would be inconsistent with a conservative religion. I question how deep is her commitment in that direction. But, like you, I appreciate the photos she has left us.

#225 | 8 Nov 2010 19:04 by Matt1075 on Nice girl with big tits

If you can get past the mismatched boobs, you will see Shay really has a lot of great qualities. I enjoy her weight balance- she has a trim waist and toned look without leaning towards anorexia. Beyond that, her face, eyes and hair make her very hot.

For whatever it's worth, I think pointing a gun directly at the camera is a poor choice for any photo shoot. Like farting at the dinner table, it is something best avoided.

#223 | 4 Nov 2010 11:48 by Matt1075 on Naked amateur pics

@Huut- yeah, in Saudi Arabia.... This is a big world with a LOT of different countries. It all depends on where you are.

I agree, lolwut. The scars running straight down from her nipples are typical of a breast reduction. No plastic here. I'd say she had a pretty good surgeon too. On the other hand, her hair... that's a different story.

#221 | 17 Oct 2010 02:56 by Matt1075 on Incredibly huge tits

Sadly, these may not be fakes. There is an article on Wikipedia describing this condition- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hypertrophy_of_breast. Apparently the condition is not easy or simple to treat, resulting in unfortunate young ladies like these. Let's hope a cure is found. They have no hope of any kind of normal life carrying those around.

#220 | 13 Oct 2010 17:50 by Matt1075 on Amateur photo of Norsk babe

The model looks pretty good, but I'm not much impressed with the photography.

#219 | 9 Oct 2010 00:56 by Matt1075 on Amateur teen shows her hot body

Reading other's comments reminds me over and over how true it is that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I think this gal is really hot. I would love to see some professional photos of her. She has a pleasant smile, and the pale skin works for me.

#218 | 9 Oct 2010 00:42 by Matt1075 on Blonde hottie Roxy

Excellent pics and model. Thanks, Erooups! @Funeral Guy- we ALL age, some of us better than others. What's your point? Those look like real boobs and should hold up as well as any if she cares for them properly.

These photos are all over the internet, an nobody seems to realize these are totally fake. They are NOT x-rays of real models. The whole story here-

#216 | 24 Sep 2010 20:20 by Matt1075 on Angela- blond babe

Her face didn't hit me right at first, but she grew on me as I scrolled down. She has a lot of features I really like.... nice hair, great smile, beautiful eyes, nice butt, and wonderfully proportioned. Did I mention... natural?

#215 | 24 Sep 2010 20:07 by Matt1075 on Sexy secretary in the office

The model is fairly nice... I also would have preferred to see the pics in order. I don't care much for the lip liner makeup. That's a fad I will be very glad to see pass.

#214 | 24 Sep 2010 19:50 by Matt1075 on Pensive Carlie

Wow! Very nice! 10

@erotismo Thanks for all the info! Your help is appreciated. Lots of good stuff there.

Mmmm, I really like the girl in the second photo. Can anybody read the watermark in the lower right corner? Or know who she is?

#211 | 23 Sep 2010 08:33 by Matt1075 on Amateur photos

Good work Erooups. Good to you see you back. A more correct heading would be "Amateur photos of nice girls." But I will point out- your English is much better than my Russian. :) And, hey, if that email link (or address) does not work, why not take it down?

@sawman, and the rest of you who don't like the "new" Erooups- internet computers are capable of visiting more than just one website. If you don't like the one you are on, go to a different one. To remain here and gripe and whine will accomplish nothing positive. BTW, you do NOT speak for me- I think this is still very much a worthwhile site to visit.
Some nice shots in here... thanks guys.

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