Fights without rules, not for the faint-hearted
- Extreme
- 22 Apr 2010
- 17607
- 20
- (18)
1. | old baldy | 13558 |
2. | judekyle | 11415 |
3. | erapio | 9967 |
4. | Vulcanman | 9135 |
5. | Enew | 7144 |
6. | Neddie | 6930 |
7. | Go Hard or Go Home | 6622 |
8. | crimineel | 5585 |
1. | Just Passing Through | 26 |
2. | erotis | 19 |
3. | selena22 | 10 |
1. | selena22 | 10 |
2. | Just Passing Through | 2 |
Too shy - need to see moar! Good so far.
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These Guys are totaly crazy
And people call that entertainment!!
hells yeah!!!!!!! UFC fucking rules
I second this - UFC is absolutely awesome!!!
Anybody who supports or takes part in this kind of lunacy should be locked up.
there are more rules in mma then most sports......everyone in those pics got a couple stitches and was back at it in a week..... if you call them crazy or you feel the sport is dangerous you are both weak and ignorant
epic post
yes, great post
What The Fucking Fuck!!!!
Ultimate Fighting is the most challenging sport in existence. Anyone that makes it to the professional level deserves the utmost respect because they have earned it. Period.
Pit any one of these athletes against any NFL player, triathlon entrant, Olympic blahblah, and I guarantee you, the UFC contender will kick their ass.
Take Mr. badass Toughguy bouncer whateverthefuck and put him in the Octogon with a trained UFC fighter. Game over. Quickly.
The title of this is wrong. There are rules in the UFC. Lots of them.
@3232 You are correct. head wounds always look much worse than they actually are. There's a shitload of blood vessels very close to the surface.
@ aceedcee Don't like what you see? Walk away. Change the channel. Look the other way. I suggest you do some research before you spew your ignorant vitriol. I am one of them. Fuck you.
i prefer porno
Why would anyone want to participate in blood sport? Their business, I guess. In later years, they'll all regret it when their nurse is wiping their mouth for them.
Every one of the fights pictured was contested under the the Unified Rules and had both a ref and a team of paramedics and doctors waiting just outside the cage that would have stopped it in a second if the wounds were bad.
Fact - MMA is statistically safer than tennis.
How about you are all stupid! This is all photoshoped~
that was fucking hard!!
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if you think there are no rules in mma, then you need to educate yourself. mma is one of the best sports in the world.