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Internet scandal. Abuse of Dusty the cat

  • Extreme
  • 18 Feb 2009
  • 11566
  • 18
  • (12)

American adolescent Kenny Glenn beat his cat while being filmed by his friend on the camera. And with some sick pride he put this video on youtube.
Obviously, this video became “popular” and has been watched over 30,000 times during the weekend.
Very quickly the wave of discontent burst out across the country. People start calling authorities with complaints.
Happily, justice has triumphed.
All the information about the case you can learn on this site.
I warn you, this video is hard to watch, so if you love animals, think twice before play it.

Internet scandal. Abuse of Dusty the cat - 01

The most horrible creative ads

I don’t know what push admen to create such ads, but it’s terrible.
Such ads don’t attract people but push them away.

The most horrible creative ads - 20090218

Kim Kardashian – the biggest ass of America

The secular lioness and Paris’ Hilton friend is very often on the covers of the magazines and newspapers.
Kim is quite pretty, don’t do any public scandals and is a very calm girl with a normal quiet life.
It’s true that several years ago her home porn video made a lot of noise in the internet and added more popularity to her.
Sometimes Kim Kardashian is posing nude for different magazines.
But!! The most famous part of her body, which is frequently mentioned, is not her pretty face or big breasts but her buttocks )
Well, this girl is really interesting, so I hope you’d like the photos of her that I gathered.

Kim Kardashian – the biggest ass of America - 20090218

Waiting for summer

Spring is coming soon and then it’s summer )
I propose you to look this summer series of pictures. Girls, sun, bikini…Life is great )

Waiting for summer - 20090218

Horror of the day. To slim doesn’t always mean to become beautiful

  • Extreme
  • 17 Feb 2009
  • 26838
  • 10
  • (11)

This girl is an ex model that had always been on diets to fit to the model standards.
What has she become you’ll see after the jump. But she’s far from being beautiful, it is just horrible what she did to herself!
Black square is here to conceal the disturbing part of the picture. But if you’re ready to see this, click to see more.

Horror of the day. To slim doesn’t always mean to become beautiful - 20090217


I know that a lot of people don’t celebrate St. Valentine’s Day for defferent reasons.
Somebody doesn’t have a loved one, the others don’t consider this as a holiday.
So,especially for these people I gathered a colletion of great ANTI-VALENTINES.
For you to have a good mood ))
Those who are in love are not recommanded to see them. For you, it’s better to look For all the lovers… (70 pics)

Anti-valentines - 20090216

Sexy Monday

A collection of amusing sexy gif animations after the jump.

Sexy Monday - 20090216

Cruel truth about Brazilian prisons

The press photographer Giuseppe Bizzarri made a set of pictures of uncomfortable conditions in Brazilian jails.
Yep, it’s really tough for prisoners in there.

Cruel truth about Brazilian prisons  - 20090216