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#34 | 26 May 2010 02:37 by Impaler on Sweet creature of a rare beauty

rear view please, dear.....

#33 | 23 May 2010 16:36 by Impaler on Magnificent Megan Fox

media overexposure

Please go away now.

bad plastic.

#31 | 23 May 2010 01:15 by Impaler on Friday collection of juicy erotica

it should be noted that porn shown in a B&W filter is not erotica.


....lucky bastard...............................................

#29 | 18 May 2010 03:34 by Impaler on Body art festival in Australia


terrible photography....

They just don't make'em like that anymore.....

Howsabout " Impressive collection - girls with very largenatural unphotoshopped breasts?


#25 | 30 Apr 2010 02:09 by Impaler on Ritual Art from Hermann Nitsch


1) Where is this?
2) Nice mural.
3) What is the last pic?

4a) @brise - what you said....
4b) @brise - dude--change the avatar. That's really depressing....


#21 | 28 Apr 2010 02:25 by Impaler on Tindra and flag

@ Funeral Guy - agreed.
She makes up for them with her ass though....

That really looks like a lot of fun. Wish I was there. Wouldn't want to be on the cleanup crew though. I can just imagine some of the crazy shit that gets left behind....

Ultimate Fighting is the most challenging sport in existence. Anyone that makes it to the professional level deserves the utmost respect because they have earned it. Period.

Pit any one of these athletes against any NFL player, triathlon entrant, Olympic blahblah, and I guarantee you, the UFC contender will kick their ass.

Take Mr. badass Toughguy bouncer whateverthefuck and put him in the Octogon with a trained UFC fighter. Game over. Quickly.

The title of this is wrong. There are rules in the UFC. Lots of them.

@3232 You are correct. head wounds always look much worse than they actually are. There's a shitload of blood vessels very close to the surface.

@ aceedcee Don't like what you see? Walk away. Change the channel. Look the other way. I suggest you do some research before you spew your ignorant vitriol. I am one of them. Fuck you.

I beg to differ. Lera as seen two sets down is MUCH more closer to perfection.

movie title?

I need to know where this is so I can not go there.

Ask these girls what they think of their ink in thirty years....

#14 | 8 Apr 2010 02:36 by Impaler on Close up of a shahid’s belt

WTF? Why would you show this? Fucking stupid. Just fucking stupid.

#13 | 7 Apr 2010 03:23 by Impaler on Elite marijuana varieties

HEY that's....I forgot what I was going to say....

#12 | 7 Apr 2010 03:14 by Impaler on She looks so innocent

She STILL looks innocent.

My back hurts looking at those........

please tell me these are all just photoshopped....please

shocking? not so much...........

haha...shoulda flashed the boobies girls.Too late now.... Let THAT be a lesson to ya..........

I think I'm in love....

Now THAT"S what I'm talkin' bout!

I have no idea who she is, but she's fucking absolutely gorgeous....

natural? maybe.
Airbrushed/shopped extremely? definitely.

How old are these? Totally ridiculous, yet highly amusing!

Oh so so wrong on sooooo many levels....

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