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18? Id Check please. Stunning? Nope.

Attractive woman, creative shooting, real woman's pussy. That's 5 stars in my book!

Cigarettes and tattoos. Why not throw in a dildo and a clown and hit all the negative bases?

#454 | 20 Jun 2018 18:03 by MasterDaniel904 on Sexy Gioia in blue session

It's not the blue that bothers me, it's the lack of imagination in poses and framing of shots. One bad pussy shot after another. Bleh.

#453 | 20 Jun 2018 18:02 by MasterDaniel904 on 7 Tips on Morning Sex

What an appalling waste of time.

It's a poorly assembled android, right?

Real ass and thighs! Delicious!

Pretty girl, damn tattoos everywhere. What a waste.

Horrible wig, bad lighting, ugly boots. Pretty girl from what we can see, however.

Did her little brother run a Spirograph over her tummy? Bleh.

Not one of W4B's best.

Most certainly keep the heels, and nylons, on! Lovely smile, too!

Beautiful girl, hate the sand.

She really needs to get that crick in her neck fixed.

Almost every shot is full body, and an attractive full body at that! Excellent!

One tattoo, from 5 stars to 3.

These were shot in red/blue 3D and then posted here without the tag. It comes out sepia and blurry as a result.

This was a nice collection.

She should have a doctor look at that arm rash, it seems to be spreading to her neck.

Love Sunny, hate the shoot.

How creative!

Very pretty boobs, and nothing more.

Your clothes may be Chanel, Gucci
Your shoes crocodile
But baby you're never fully (un)dressed without a smile

Really. Is there any part of Emily we haven't seen in the last 3 years?

Beautiful, yes. Long hair, great! Does everyone have to be a gynecological exam however?

Just gross.

'Bout as perfect a model and shoot as one can desire.

I know, I know, no pussy shots. BUT have we ever had 16 complete body shots before? And she's beautiful? That's 5 stars from me!

Stupid ladder for the shoes!

Beautiful woman, interesting outfit, well shot, DAMN tattoos.

#423 | 1 Feb 2018 18:06 by MasterDaniel904 on Hard amateur named Sam

At least no colonoscopy on this one. Still only a 1 star set.

Dead eyes, breathing problem, tattoo, dildo. Could we just look at a photo of roadkill and call it a day?

Not exactly sure what a fitness body is, but she sure isn't fit.

#418 | 25 Jan 2018 18:17 by MasterDaniel904 on Young Ruby loves boxing

Physical phitness is phat! (Okay, hanging out with the kids too much!) Lovely!

Absolutely gorgeous woman, absolutely dead eyes. Sad.

Please, please feed this poor woman.

Couldn't agree more.

Usually, unless there are tattoo's or dildo's I'll give 3 stars minimum. This one is so artificial, two stars is generous.

Oh no! 5 stars until the tramp stamp showed up! So sad.

Not one of Erottica's best.

She looks mad at someone!

A selfie by any other name gets 1 star.

Love the bondage, hate the tattoo, the dildo, the short hair. In other words, great shoot, lousy model.

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