«Bagelheads» created through the use of a saline solution drip, which is injected at your local tattoo/piercing shop by a professional piercer. The injection causes massive swelling, which can then be molded and pressed into the shape of your choosing. Fortunately, the disfiguring lasts only 24 hours.
The manta ray or devilfish is a the largest species of the rays which is harmless to people and which every diver wants to dive with. Unfortunately, uncontrolled extermination of manta rays leads to a significant decrease in their population.
This is the most shocking design of cigarette packs that I have ever seen. I hope that those of you, who smoke, will stop smoking after seeing these pics. I warn you, this is not for the faint-hearted, so think twice before you go inside the post.
Like the orca, the long-finned pilot whale is really a dolphin. It is a fishing season in the Faroe Islands for long-finned pilot whales. This is non-profit event, so anyone can participate in it. Whaling boats surround the dolphins and slowly drive them into the bay. Then the sea turns red… = (