Along with the Internet came numerous social websites and blogging. Now you can interact with practically anyone and along the way you are sure to run into some mighty strange folks. From people who exhibit strange body art to folks who have some very strange habits, pets, and live in weird places, to those who have strange philosophies and take pictures of themselves in every position imaginable. Welcome to the Internet where you can meet some very strange folk indeed.
New thing for proper nutrition and environmentally friendly products. The most important when you defrost this ‘dish’ is to make sure that ‘it’ won’t run away ;))
Very sad pictures, after viewing these pictures, it made me even sadder. Moreover, this country is considered one of the leaders in economic growth of the world...
In ancient Rome, the services of prostitutes were paid with special money (tokens). In fact, these are very interesting tokens. After the jump you’ll see them in a bigger size.